Cute and Quirky Date Ideas for You and Your Boo

Cute and Quirky Date Ideas for You and Your Boo

Tired of trite coffee dates at the local Starbucks? Not really feeling the age-old “dinner and a movie”? We don’t blame you. Though the classic dinner date at a nice restaurant is romantic, it can also get a bit old—not to mention expensive. Put the excitement back into date night by trying out these five fun and quirky date ideas!

Go on a picnic. There’s nothing more romantic than a nice sunset picnic with the one you love. All you need is a simple picnic basket and a sheet and you and your boo are ready to get packing. You can even make a cute mini date out of your trip to the grocery store beforehand! Just make a list of what you want to prepare for the picnic (simple sandwiches are always a hit, or you can get fancy by bringing along some sparkling grape juice), hit up a Heinen’s with your honey, and start your mission. And don’t forget to throw in a few Whoa Dough bars for dessert! Once your basket is packed and ready, set off to an outdoor venue of your choice, lay down a sheet, break open your basket, and watch the sunset over dinner.

Build a blanket fort. Date nights out on the town are fun, but sometimes we can really use a relaxing night in. Believe it or not, watching movies on the couch isn’t your only option. Take things up a notch by building a cute and cozy blanket fort! Just grab some blankets, drape them over your tallest furniture, and bam! You’ve got yourself a fort. Pack your fuzzy fortress with lots of pillows and blankets to make the space as cozy as possible for you and your boo. You can even add Christmas lights around the perimeter to give your fort a warm and welcoming glow. Once your homemade hideout has been built to perfection, snuggle up with your sweetie and stream movies on your computer!

Thrift each other’s date night outfits. Do you and your partner have a goofy side? If so, this is the date idea for you. First, take a trip to the thrift store with your significant other and sift through the racks until you piece together the most ridiculous outfit you can possibly conceive. Congratulations! Your partner is now wearing that monstrosity to dinner. Hilarious, right? But hang on, you’re not off the hook. Your date is going to be picking out your outlandish outfit too! Once you’ve chosen each other’s clothing, get dressed and go out to dinner in your new wacky ensembles. This date is bound to garner a lot of laughs (and maybe some weird looks) and will certainly make for a night to remember.

Go antiquing. Exploring local antique shops and flea markets is a fun and exciting activity you and your date can enjoy for hours. Spend the day discovering unique trinkets and interesting odds and ends around town, and who knows—you might even come across something you want to buy! Don’t have the money to spend? Window shopping is always fun too. Either way, you and your boo will have a blast uncovering cool and quirky artifacts of the past!

Go backyard camping. Looking for a little adventure? Backyard camping is the perfect way to get out of the house and do something new without traveling too far from home. All you need is a tent and some sleeping bags and you and your boo are ready to rough it in the wilderness (i.e. a few yards away from your back porch). Grab lots of pillows, blankets, and snacks to add a little extra comfort to your campsite. Afterall, there’s nothing cozier than getting snuggly in the tent with your sweetheart. And in the spirit of camping, you can even build your own fire to roast marshmallows and make s’mores!

Say goodbye to mundane dinner dates and treat your sweet to these cute and quirky date night ideas!


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